Let's Blogging!

vivy yusof is such a girl crush 💙

Hello people! Here we are for the second week of class so let's start fresh and bold alright? 👌 Previously, my lecturer shared with us some facts about what exactly a blog is so as for today I am very glad to tell you guys that there are actually 4 types of blog which are weblog, tutor blog, class blog and also learner blog.

Weblog is usually the one that are frequently updated with latest information and easily accessed by everybody. For some people, this weblog act as their online diaries where they share things about themselves or maybe their activities. As for tutor blog, it is made up of syllabus material and things related to education. It is accessible by the lecturers but not the students. However, the students can still express their thought in the comments section. Just like ours - https://cloveclouds.blogspot.my. For collaborative discussion space, we usually use the class blog where students could also be the author of the blog - https://intech0118.blogspot.my. Learner blog play roles as an online journal for students just like ours 😜

As for me, blogging is the best platform to encourage students especially the shy one to participate in class. It is the most effective one where you only need to have your gadget in your hand - laptop or handphone and not to forget, the Internet for you to access the blog. Easy aite 🙌 So what are you waiting for? Let's start blogging!

Much love,
B 💗


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