Search Engine and Online Database

Hello everyone! So for today's topic I would like to share with you guys about search engine and online database *drum roll please. Alright here we go πŸ’¨ Search engine is actually a web tool that helps you to find information worldwide by entering the keyword on the website that contain its database. In a simpler words, it is a tool that enable us to google up things - recipe, good place to visit and also SHOPPING 😎!

these are symbols for popular search engine

Life has become easier since people before us developed this technology. Everything is at the tip of our finger. We can search for information within seconds by using internet. As for us, the students, we can always use this search engine in finishing our assignments. We also can travel the world by using this search engine. By just searching for images of the places, you could see another town and even country through your screen. Interesting muchπŸ’ƒ? 

However, it is always necessary for us to use internet wisely. It does not mean that we could easily google up inappropriate things through search engine and online database. Other people like hackers might easily access our information to do bad things so that we must always be aware. 

Much love, 
B πŸ’—


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