What is CALL?

not this call of course 👀

The moment that my lecturer mentioned about CALL, the first thing that came right into my mind was that call - yes, phone call 😂 Of course we are not going to talk about phone call. CALL that was being discussed was the Computer Assisted Language Learning. The CDs at the back of our textbook during primary school is one of the example of CALL #howtimeflies If you could recall the Padlet thingy that we used during previous semester - yes, that one is also a good example of CALL.

There are actually 4 different types of CALL programmes which are CALL specific software, web-based learning materials, generic software and computer-mediated communication (CMC) programme. This CALL program actually could help us not only by providing immediate feedback but also beneficial for the learners especially the one who can only learn by using repetition. Easy aite? 😇

The progression of technology not only being used in the communication devices but also in education sector. Students could learn in the most effective and interactive way using this well-developed CALL. However, the role of teacher is also important in class especially to avoid the students from misusing the technology or perhaps for the students to refer to if there is something that the students might not understand. Can't wait to explore more in the next class! 

Much love,
B 💗


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